This specific hybrid of Pansy, known as Pansy Frizzle Sizzle Raspberry, showcases stunning blossoms and frills in a vibrant raspberry color, adding a lively touch to your garden in the late winter and spring season.
These Pansy plants are petite in size, reaching a height of 6-8 inches, and can thrive in USDA zones 5-9.
With Raspberry blooms and a faint hint of pansy fragrance, these compact plants truly excel in their flowering performance.
If you desire a Pansy variety with a ruffled appearance, "Frizzle Sizzle" is an excellent choice for enhancing the visual appeal of your beds, containers, and window boxes. These plants are cultivated from pansy seeds.
To achieve abundant blooms from spring to summer, it is recommended to sow 3-4 seeds per plant. These plants will maintain a height of 6-8 inches.